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Choose the package that's right for you.

Accu-Poly Pricing

Step 1: Choose Package Below

Step 2: Answer a few questions so we know what you are investigating.

Step 3: We will then send you a list of relevant questions to choose from.

Step 4: We will send you a link to make payment. Examinee must agree to examination.

Step 5:  The Polygraph Test Begins

Step 6:  We will analyze test and send you and the examinee results within 1 business day.

We are the most affordable polygraph in South Florida

Before we show you pricing, it's important to know the different types of questions that are asked.

RELEVANT QUESTIONS: Directly related to the matter under investigation and usually require yes or no answers. Ie: Did you steal the money from the safe?

CONTROL QUESTIONS: To establish a baseline for the person's physiological responses. ie: Have you ever lied to avoid getting in trouble?

NON RELEVANT QUESTIONS: Unrelated to the investigation.  ie: Is your name John Doe?

We will create the relevant questions based on the subject matter that you provide us.  We will get your approval on relevant questions before the exam.


Infidelity/Relationship  $295

Includes 5 Relevant Questions - Add $50 per question for more.

Suspect a cheating partner? Get the truth you deserve — don’t be tormented by uncertainty. Bring your concerns to Accu-Polygraph for a professional, confidential, and personalized polygraph test. Determine whether the person you suspect is being unfaithful in your relationship.

  • Intimate Relations

  • Illicit Sexual Relations

  • Use of Escort or Prostitution Services

  • Does your partner love you.

  • Communications with Others via Email and Internet Chat Rooms

  • Sexual History

Theft - Workplace

On a daily basis our firm is retained, by businesses, to provide polygraph examination services. If your company suffered an identifiable economic loss or injury, the employer may request employee, polygraph testing.

We are experienced, reliable and fully insured. Our staff stands ready to assist you in matters pertaining to workplace theft and employee screening.

Schedule an Exam


Includes 9 Relevant Questions - Add $50 per question for more.

Falsely Accused

You’ve been falsely accused – of cheating on your partner, of cheating on a test, of theft, of spousal abuse, sexual abuse, injuring a child, of falsifying records, workplace theft, or lying on an employment application.

Your reputation has been harmed or you’ve lost a job or promotion. You’ve been denied access to your children or grandchildren. Don’t give up and don’t give in. The dedicated experts at Accu-Polygraph can help restore your good name.

Schedule a Session


*If you don't need 7 Relevant Questions Asked - choose the Infidelity Package which provides 5. 

Includes 7 Relevant Questions - Add $50 per question for more.

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